Teaching Course for Applied Hydrological Modelling in Central Asia
For the master level course Integrated Water Resources Management at the German Kazakh University (DKU) in Almaty (Kazakhstan), hydrosolutions was commissioned by SDCs Blue Peace program to develop a course on applied hydrological modelling with a focus on Central Asia. The course was taught to classes of about 10 students each in 2021 and 2022 and featured in a training for trainers workshop with about 20 professors in Central Asia. Hydrosolutions maintains communication with several students and professors through involvement in master thesis projects and integration of course material into the teaching curriculum.
Number of professors known to have incorporated course material into their teaching
Number of views of the published article
Number of supervised master theses where the workflow has been applied
Average number of views of the R package per week
The hydrological modelling course uses open-source or free software to facilitate a broad uptake of the methodology. As data pre-processing for hydrological modelling is one of the biggest stumbling stones for new modellers, the course puts a special focuses on the preparation of publicly available data. Using one of the case study basins available with the course material, students can follow the modelling steps and produce their first climate change impact study on a Central Asian watershed.

hydrosolutions developed an open-source hydrological modelling workflow which is published as a comprehensive open-source course book with step-by-step scripting examples.

The teaching workflow was submitted to a public peer review and has been published as a research article in the journal of Hydrology and Earth System Sciences for professional validation.
To support hydrological modelling as proposed by the course book, an R package was developed and published in the Journal of Open Source Software.
hydrosolutions supervised a number of master students from DKU and ETH Zurich who applied the workflow in hydrological models of case study basins in Central Asia. Please contact us if you are interested in a case study.
The workflow was also applied in currently three demonstration basins in the Horizon 2020 project Hydro4U.