Count4D: A Web Application for Efficient Irrigation and Water Resources Management
With advancements in web application development and cloud servers, information systems have become more prevalent in various fields, including water resources management. However, designing and implementing such tools can pose challenges in the state-owned structures of many developing countries. Adopting customizable and configurable web tools that are easy to deploy and implement can enhance the effectiveness and sustainability of water resource management in different contexts.
Count4D is a web application specifically designed for irrigation and water resources management. The tool helps manage the water delivery process, which is organized with the help of vertically hierarchical water authorities, from the state- to province levels, from the province- to district levels, and from the district- to the Water User Association (WUA) level. Finally, the WUA interacts with local farmers to deliver water to their fields.
Water resource management can be categorized into two phases: planning and delivery. Each year, during February-March, water planning is prepared to calculate the water required for farmers based on crop patterns and irrigation norms of specific agro-climatic zones. This aggregated water demand is then compared with the forecasted water volume from the hydrology department. If water scarcity is expected, a limit is put on the water supply. From April onwards, the actual water delivery takes place.
The Count4D web application consists of three different tools, each of which is designed to help increase efficiency at each level. It includes the Administrator, District, and WUA tools. The Admin tool is used to manage master data such as administrative-territorial divisions, irrigation systems, canals and hydro posts, crop types, and irrigation modes/norms. On the WUA level, the Count4D is used to manage farmers, contracts, ticketing, accounting, and other essential aspects of irrigation and water resources management. The District tool is designed for end-users to create sowing plans, crop plans, water plans (decadal water demand), and system plans (water intake from the irrigation system). The tool also features factual water accounting, including invoicing.
Additionally, the Count4D web application comes equipped with a Telegram bot that allows observers in the field to send water level measurements from hydro posts easily. These measurements are then automatically converted to discharge values using profile geometrics, making the data processing and analysis process more efficient and accurate.
Kyrgyzstan/Uzbekistan Use Cases
Our web application has been successfully deployed in two districts: Kadamjai in Kyrgyzstan and Fergana in Uzbekistan. The initial data on farms, irrigation systems, canals, hydro posts, and irrigation norms has been accurately entered into the system. Local specialists at the Water Users Association (WUA) level are utilizing the tool to manage farmers, contracts, and invoice efficiently. Meanwhile, district-level users can easily leverage the application's capabilities to create crop, water, and system plans.