hydrosolutions GmbH recently joined the kick-off trip of the Hydro4U Project to Central Asia. The highly qualified team of hydropower development specialists from TUM and KJ Consult, ecologists and geomorphologists from BOKU Vienna, water resources policy and water-energy-food nexus experts from IWMI and hydrologists from our side visited various potential sites in Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan for implementing sustainable small (< 10 MW) hydropower demonstration activities there.

The trip included a visit to the closed Uzbek Shakimardan enclave that is entirely surrounded by Kyrgyz territory. The enclave faces recurrent power cuts, especially in winter, when supplies from Kyrgyzstan become unreliable. The implementation of a Francis Container Solution in island operation there would benefit the 6’000 people living in the two villages of the enclave and enable development of the area.