We are thrilled to announce that an important research article has been published today in the prestigious journal Nature Food. It is available for reading under this link. This study, titled "Regional irrigation expansion can support climate resilient crop production in post-invasion Ukraine," is a collaborative effort by experts from the World Bank, academia, and hydrosolutions GmbH. It highlights a critical issue for the first time, providing valuable quantification and insights into the strategies for enhancing agricultural resilience in Ukraine amidst climate change and war.
Through remote sensing analysis, it was discovered that only 1.6% of Ukraine's croplands were irrigated in 2021, and over 70% of these areas have been severely impacted by the full-scale invasion by Russia beginning in 2022. The research underscores the vital role of irrigation in reducing water stress and ensuring food security. Presently, yields of irrigated crops in Southern Ukraine are up to 50% higher than rainfed yields, positioning irrigation as an essential "insurance" for farmers against rainfall variability. Climate change projections indicate that by the mid-21st century, three-quarters of Ukraine's croplands will face water shortages, significantly threatening rainfed agricultural productivity. To sustain food production, it is crucial to prioritize the expansion of irrigated areas in regions anticipated to experience water scarcity.
At hydrosolutions GmbH, we are proud to have contributed to this research by carrying out the remote sensing analysis. Our expertise in this area has enabled us to provide detailed insights into the current state and future needs of Ukraine's irrigation sector. To further enhance transparency and accessibility of our findings, we have developed a web platform that visualizes and shares the results of our remote sensing analysis. We invite you to explore the platform to view detailed maps of irrigated areas, crop statistics, and the impact of the war on irrigated agriculture.