Back home from traveling to two of the most important water conferences this year! While Silvan went to the the Stockholm World Water Week, Tobias attended the Vienna Water Conferences.
Our highlights from the Stockholm World Water Week:
- Session on water security in Ukraine hosted by the World Bank, with hydrosolutions presenting the results from the remote sensing analysis. Read more about the comprehensive water-energy-security analysis for the irrigation sector here!
- Fresh updates on innovative water data solutions for water and food security, such as a preview of FAO's upcoming global WaPOR dataset.
- Booth of the Swiss Water Partnership, showcasing Swiss water expertise of 70 organisations from academia, civil society, public and private sectors.
- Meeting the laureate of this years' Stockholm Water Prize - Professor Andrea Rinaldo from EPFL. The prize was awarded by King Carl XVI Gustav himself. Congratulations!
Our highlights from the Vienna Water Conferences:
- hydrosolutions has presented their climate change impact study of the Central Asia region. The study helps quantifying the 21st century impacts on hydrological regimes there. Among other things, the findings feed into GIS-based decision-support tools for investors who want to evaluate a site's hydropower potential and understand water availability over the long run.
- The conference highlighted during several sessions the significant investments needed to bring about an improved understanding of catchment-scale water balances using new digital technologies and new data streams, such as, for example data from space-based remote sensing. It showed the increasing relevance of our core business expertise to help solve the global water problems.


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